Ah, Yes. My Annual Post

Posted: July 23, 2020 in Uncategorized

This is slowly becoming hilarious how little I write and how every year around this time I realize how much of the year has flown by and left me mostly behind.


Such is my personality that I feel as though I’m always behind. My entry last was telling you how much I ran on an empty tank or to stop before emptying the tank of creativity. This entry is more self discovery in realizing that my creativity comes when I finally let myself relax and dream again. My dreams as of late have been halted. Severely. This happens when the literal world shuts down. Covid did not bring me peace with writing. Instead, it stunted my growth and creativity. I was left behind while others finally caught up because I would simply not allow myself to relax enough to get my peace of mind back.

I booked out a week without working in the salon. I answered emails and texts willingly and caught up on the busy season ahead. I can no longer pretend that I am taking time apart to just catch the writing bug because it simply is not happening. I awakened something long dormant within me by forcing myself to just lay around the house this week and spend time with people. Part of my personality has to see people. I have to converse and soak it in before evaluating their personalities and why they interest me so. Then, I sit back and fill my alone time with the scribbles on paper (just kidding, everything is on our phones and laptops now, isn’t it?) about everything I’ve seen and thought reimagined.

Weirdly, the movie Aladdin has sparked my interest in an old book idea I had. It briefly goes back to a book series I loosely base my next couple on. I share this book series with you since it’s so good and has remained so much in my memory from all of those years ago. The Seven Realms series is too good. I go on a trip of 16 hours of travel over this weekend and I have prepared myself with murder mysteries likes Where the Crawdads Sing and a new start to a series A Court of Thorns and Roses. I might even start the Mistborn series.


Besides recommending book series to me in the comments, let me know if you’ve ever experienced this weird lull in creativity when faced with real life and the desire to ever write again. I write all of this to say, if you ever find yourself stuck, perhaps forcing yourself to relax and gain back a piece of what used to light your fire. It may take longer than just a day to reignite that flame.




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